The newest guy at the Halfway House got dropped off before our shift started, and he was waiting for us to do his intake. We found out immediately that this little prick had an attitude from hell. This situation called for an immediate "shock and awe" tactic.We don't often get brothers at the Halfway House, let alone twins. Let alone identical twins! They didn't have much of a problem that would require counseling, but the twins did believe that recreational usage was just fine and dandy. We caught them one day the first week they were in the House and really let them have it.I sauntered into Matt's room to see how he would react to some creeping, and to my surprise he barely batted an eye. As I lower the covers, he wakes up and once I rub his junk through his underwear he knows exactly what I am in his room for. He works himself up as I rub his young body, and once he has cum, he surprises me again.Reb is an attractive guy for being in his early twenties. He is moody, though, and always seems bothered or worried. Unlike some, this one is here on a court order, so we have some extra leverage with him. I castigate him and then whip out my cock - he knows exactly what he needs to do.Every once in a while we get a resident that just inspires extreme disdain. At dinner one night Brody decided to mouth off, and afterward he went to work out. Upon his return he made a snide remark as he went to take a shower. This was the final straw.Our latest resident Kip is a handsome guy in his early 20's. He has played a ton of soccer in his life, so he is fit and limber. He also has a great attitude, and he gets along well with everyone. Unfortunately, Kip has a serious problem with drinking, and it has caused a lot of trouble for him recently. After an initial reprimand that obviously didn't work, I wanted to make sure that he got the message.
Duration: 147 minutes
From the series: Boys Halfway House
Studio: Boys Halfway House
Watch these pornstars in Boys Halfway House 7: Thank You, Sir. May I Have Another :
• Bobby Owen
• Brody (m)
• Reb
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