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Sexual Harassment

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Sexual Harassment

She was hot, hot, hot! Find out what happens when Irene Boss invites Betka Schpitz to the Compound to partake in the training of a slave girl! The girl is reprimanded in the office for improper dress code, and has plenty of sexual fantasies on the porch thinking about 'what might have been' in the office. She does a poorly and surely job of serving Betka in the private Guest Mistress Suite, and Betka has to take matters into her own hands and discipline the girl! Betka and Irene go out for the evening, and return to the studio to find the girl has fallen asleep with the scrub brush in her hand - on the kitchen floor. The kitchen scene consists of food humiliation and crush fetish - raw eggs in particular. A domestic discipline dunking scene featuring an ice cold kitchen sink, and sexual strap on training that will really get your attention! (You will watch this section over and over again.) She is fantasizing about a 'leather dyke's from heaven' experience in the gothic dungeon, where you will witness suspension, erotic spitting, single tailed whipping, vibrator play, caning, and flogging at her expense. This is one video she did not want to come down from!

Duration: 60 minutes

Directed by: Irene Boss 
Studio: MIB Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Sexual Harassment :
 • Mistress Suite  • Irene Boss  • Betka Schpitz


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