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18 International 3: My Summer Vacation

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18 International 3: My Summer Vacation

Dear Frenchie: Having the greatest time ever!Am meeting the most amazingly delicious boys ever! Wish you were here to help me keep them busy. The sun has been shining every day, and I haven't put on my pants in a week. Talk about an all-around tan... tan lines are for wimps! We went scuba diving the other day, and then ate the biggest fish I have ever seen for dinner. I was almost too full for dessert. But when dessert is named Juan, I always seem to find room! Wish you were here.Love, Billy xoxo

Duration: 76 minutes
From the series: 18 International
Directed by: Richard Ferarro 
Studio: French Connection 

Watch these pornstars in 18 International 3: My Summer Vacation :
 • Marty  • Reggie  • Danny (m)  • Marco  • Juan


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