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Futebol 3: The Soccer Match

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Futebol 3: The Soccer Match

It's the world's most popular sport, enjoyed in every country and in every corner of the globe. Day and night there's always a game going on somewhere, with heart-pumping, non-stop action that keeps young men hard and upright and soaked in sweat from the first move to the final thrust. And if that sounds like a perfect description for soccer, you might be right, but we're talking about sex! The kind that young men can only enjoy with other young men, anytime and any place!

Duration: 94 minutes
From the series: Futebol

Studio: French Connection Belo Amigo 

Watch these pornstars in Futebol 3: The Soccer Match :
 • Jackeson  • Josemar  • Raphael  • Thiago  • Pablo


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