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Sour Patch Twinks

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Sour Patch Twinks

Remember your first fuck? Enjoy the youthful discovery of cock lust as friends Evan and Connor share their dicks in the kitchen, sucking and riding to some ball draining climaxes. We join friends Dylan and Tanner for the following encounter, swapping their tools and doing everything to get the semen spewing. Robbie encourages his friend Anthony to experiment with some anal loving before he leaves for college, and boy do they both get it in their sleepover flip flop fuck! Friends Seth and Etienne only need the chance discovery of a condom to have them boned up and making out, with Seth owning his friend's ass and making them both dump some impressive wads of juice. The tasty lollipop Preston is enjoying is so suggestive for his friend Josh in the final scene, but it turns out the horniness is very much mutual as Josh slides into his butt hole!

Duration: 91 minutes

Studio: GayLifeNetwork PornPlays 

Watch these pornstars in Sour Patch Twinks :
 • Conner Bradley  • Josh Bensan  • Dylan Chambers  • Etienne Kidd  • Tanner Shane  • Seth Corrigan  • Preston Andrews  • Robbie Anthony  • Evan James  • Anthony Evans


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