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Kai And Tristan

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Kai And Tristan

Are you ready for a mammoth sex session today? Well, firm favourites Kai and Tristan sure were when they returned for what can only be described as "guys at their most rampant"! Oh yes, the playfulness began well before the camera's officially began to roll and it sure turned out to be one of the hottest scenes ever.I guess I should explain that there was a little sub-plot running here. The guys both wanted to be dominant, yet they also wanted to play and have as much carnal fun with each other as they could. No surprise then that I ended up filming a wrestling match... with the two of them throwing each other all over the bed in order to win the prize...However, both were gallant winners and very good sports. They simply wanted to share the prize and the passion of a true fuck-fest experience with each other! So yes, this is a flip-flop film where Kai and Tristan not only suck the hell out of each other, but also fuck each other senseless! The dialogue says it all really... as does the 9 minute bonus film of the fun that was had by all, Oh well, yes, I know, I really should have saved this one for Christmas

Duration: 30 minutes

Directed by: Blake Mason 
Studio: Dudes In Heat Media PornPlays 

Watch these pornstars in Kai And Tristan :
 • Tristan  • Kai Cruz


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