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From AVN Award-Winning director Eli Cross comes a story of spies, international intrigue, assassins, and prostitutes of every sort... sexual and political. As ruthless spy Anthony faces a midlife crisis, he must decide whether to keep playing the kiss and tell, murder and mayhem game, or retire. But retire to what? And what about Katherine, the seemingly normal artist, who just happens to kill her patrons after sex... who Anthony quickly becomes entangled with in a deadly game of cat and mouse. If you like your porn hot, nasty and layered, Wetwork is your film. With three anals, a beautiful San Francisco location, and the budget of a mainstream film, this is Eli Cross at his best... and it doesn't get any better than that.

Duration: 152 minutes

Directed by: Eli Cross 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Wetwork :
 • Danny Wylde  • Derrick Pierce  • Claire Robbins  • Penny Pax  • Steven St. Croix  • Richie's Brain  • Kimberly Kane  • Eva Karera


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