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100 Percent Real Groupies 2: The Mayhem Continues

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100 Percent Real Groupies 2: The Mayhem Continues

In this sequel to the wildly successful Groupies: Phil Varone continues on his U.S. tour playing drums for Saigon Kick, giving viewers an all access pass to the secret world of Rock and Roll. From back stage to hotel rooms, this uncensored series only proves that anything you've seen or heard about this life is not only true, but almost unbelievable!

Duration: 83 minutes
From the series: Groupies - Vivid
Directed by: Phil Varone 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in 100 Percent Real Groupies 2: The Mayhem Continues :
 • Phil Varone  • Kendra  • Brooklyn  • Hazel


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