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Ethan Ever's Surprise Day 2

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Ethan Ever's Surprise Day 2

It's day 2 of Ethan Ever's surprise visit. It's Aaron French's turn to fool around with & swallow this a straight dude's load. After taking out Ethan's massive dick from his fly, Aaron starts sucking like there is no tomorrow. Aaron tries his darnedest to swallow Ethan's Massive cock! Trying to make it erupt, Aaron vigorously bobs his head on Ethan's cock. Success! Ethan unleashes a big wad of jizz into Aaron's mouth. Some spunk landed on his beard which was quickly consumed. Aaron makes sure to milk out any remaining cum from Ethan. The guys then give a celebratory high-five after the cumfest is over.

Duration: 17 minutes
From the series: Ethan Ever's Surprise Day
Directed by: Aaron & Seth 

Watch these pornstars in Ethan Ever's Surprise Day 2 :
 • Aaron French  • Ethan Ever


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