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Uncut Furball Suckoff

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Uncut Furball Suckoff

Straight twenty-six year old Eric Stowe could totally pass for Seth Chase's little brother. Eric has a five day load saved up and was really wanting it sucked out by a cum-hungry cock-sucker. Enter Seth Chase. Seth plants his lips on Eric's uncut rod and starts the blowjob. You could tell Eric doesn't get many blowjobs as he wasn't sure what to do. He kept grabbing his cock with his hand trying to assist... Seth told him to just relax and let him work his mouth magic. Eric was so turned on by Seth squeezing his balls that he was ready to shoot on Seth's face. Eric asks if Seth wants his jizz on his face and Seth never turns down an offer like that. Eric blows a nice sized load that goes everywhere. Eric even takes some of his cum on his finger and feeds it to Seth. The aftermath was great with straight cum oozing down Seth's throat & plastered all over his face!

Duration: 16 minutes

Directed by: Seth Chase Aaron French 

Watch these pornstars in Uncut Furball Suckoff :
 • Seth Chase  • Eric Stowe


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