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Berlin Fuckers

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Berlin Fuckers

Berlin Fuckers takes you on a trip to the sleaziest sexiest parts of Germany's capital, where you're given a first class ride into the depths of sexual depravity, spying on outdoor cruising, catching cyclists having a cheeky wank in the bushes and leather clad studs whipping thick dick out on rooftops and stroking them until they explode with thick German juice. Capturing the best of the Berlin population at their uninhibited best, we enjoy musclemen, leather daddies and scally boys all out to shoot their load wherever they may be.

Duration: 93 minutes

Directed by: Alek Martin 
Studio: Bulldog XXX Eurocreme Group 

Watch these pornstars in Berlin Fuckers :
 • Pier Latte  • MachoBull  • Pierre Mucker  • Garcia Perez  • Ivan Rueda  • Pete Coast  • Lucky Joe  • Joachim Muller


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