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Tight young muscular bodies, hot body contact, tense sweaty young men and the air thick with testosterone it can only be the Bulldog gym and a wrestling match just beginning! Naked except for their skin tight singlets, focus completely on their opponent and how to get them on the floor, pinned down and facing them. It doesnt matter how they do it as long as they are the victors and the losers get their faces rubbed in it, literally. Bulging crotches with sweaty balls and stiff dicks bursting from beneath the spandex, pulled down and thrust into throats until they are wet, then straight up hungry holes begging for a further test match to win that giant dick up their holes to make up for losing the match! The champions get to fuck hard, and the losers have a lot to learn, during the match but especially afterwards!

Duration: 72 minutes

Directed by: Blacky Mendez 
Studio: Bulldog XXX Eurocreme Group 

Watch these pornstars in Wrestled :
 • Saxon West  • Kayden Gray  • Timmy Treasure  • Johnny Cruz  • Dolan Wolf  • Mathew Davids


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