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The Muse

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The Muse

Corey Reid (Lily Cade) convinces her hot girlfriend Sarah (Chloe Lynn) to play ingenue for recently divorced artist Sophia Mitchell (Ela Darling). The plan is for Sarah to scam out Sophia out of her money, but she ends up falling in love instead. Meanwhile, Sophia's jealous ex Linda (Missy Martinez) can't handle the attention Sophia and Sarah are getting and goes so far as to crash Sophia's party with a Sarah lookalike (Aaliyah Love) in tow. Afraid to admit she lied, Sarah goes AWOL, and Sophia hooks up with Linda, who helps her realize she shouldn't give up on love.

Duration: 140 minutes

Directed by: Lily Cade 
Studio: Filly Films 

Watch these pornstars in The Muse :
 • Ela Darling  • Lily Cade  • Missy Martinez  • Thelma Sleaze  • Sten Cade  • Amber Rayne  • Chloe Lynn  • Eric Swiss  • Aaliyah Love


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