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Heartbreaker VS Obscura

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Heartbreaker VS Obscura

Heartbreaker can make any woman do whatever she wants, but her superpower has become a burden. She's hung it up. She don't break hearts no more. But when super-villain Obscura tries to trick Heartbreaker's old partner Ice Queen - but mistakenly gets her girlfriend instead - Ice Queen convinces Heartbreaker to take on one last job. Together with x-ray visionary Spex, they set out to storm Obscura's fortress, guarded by 40 pairs of bionic stepsisters. So begins a journey replete with danger (and lots of kinky, hot lesbian superhero sex!)

Duration: 143 minutes

Directed by: Lily Cade 
Studio: Severe Sex 

Watch these pornstars in Heartbreaker VS Obscura :
 • Kelsey Obsession  • Paris Lincoln  • Annikka Albrite  • Lily Cade  • Darcie Dolce  • Ela Darling  • Verta


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