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Mistress Jada's Domination

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Mistress Jada's Domination

The holidays are coming, but Mistresses could not wait, after all she did have to give all her new toys a test run. So who was the best candidate for testing? Her favorite slave, Leila. Mistresses mood was light and playful, but it very quickly took a turn and became dark and serious. Ava is doomedEric X has chosen her, but for what she silently wondered. I want you to meet my friend Jada, shes into punishment and suffering Eric stated clearly without a hint of pity or concern in his voice. Watch as the team up to dole out pleasure and punishment!Mistress Jada's favorite petite sub proudly displayed a number of toys and a very large anal hook. In fact Mistress was very leery about even using it and questioned her sub repeatedly about her decision. Well, Leila stuck to her guns and insisted that she wanted to try it and Mistress never disappoints.Leileyn wants nothing more then to please her Mistress, but she is new at this and must be taught all the ins and outs, so to speak. The problem with Leileyn, is that there is a little piece of her that is a total rebel! So how can these two distinctly different parts of her personality meld together to make perfect slave. Its s good thing Leileyn is in the expert hands of the experienced and beautiful Mistress Jada.Leila once again finds herself in a precarious situation. Bound in inescapable bondage, she finds herself completely at Mistress Jada's mercy. Her helpless body is poked and prodded relentlessly leaving no part of her spared. Her humiliation is unbearable as she twists and turns screaming for help, her cries falling on deaf ears. Leila once again finds herself in a precarious situation. Bound in inescapable bondage, she finds herself completely at Mistress Jada's mercy. Her helpless body is poked and prodded relentlessly leaving no part of her spared. Her humiliation is unbearable as she twists and turns screaming for help, her cries falling on deaf ears.

Duration: 57 minutes

Directed by: Jack Hemingway 
Studio: Wasteland Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Mistress Jada's Domination :
 • Leileyn  • Jada Sinn  • Eric X  • Leila  • Ava


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