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Fun With Fucking Machines

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Fun With Fucking Machines

Deep in a subterranean facility lies the labs and experimentation facility of a secret organization. Q and his men will be testing some new and interesting equipment that is guaranteed to make their beautiful victims bend to their commands.Mistress was in an exceptionally good mood. Then the unthinkable happened. The interruption wasn't bad, after all Jada was one of her favorites and the news she brought was wonderful. Her package had arrived! It was the insolence and disobedience that was completely unacceptable. Regardless, Jada unknowingly, irked her Mistress and she was now going to pay dearly for it.Stories of Dr. Blackthorne and his sexually perverted ancestors had become part of the local lore. The villagers feared him and his assistant, feared the unknown and especially feared the full moon. For during the full moon, Dr. Blackthornes assistant could be seen lurking inside the village walls and by morning another beautiful young women would be missing.Mistress Irony uses a revolutionary new fucking machine, Shockspot. With its amazing versatility, able to mimic a real lover, Ava is taken to the edge and back over and over again. She can take much more when she is this turned on, and Mistress Irony uses Avas level of arousal against her.When Mistress Irony makes Silicia pick the implements of both her punishment and pleasure, Silicia finds herself in a quandary. But Irony makes sure a decision is made, one that will prove to be enjoyable for both of them.

Duration: 78 minutes

Directed by: Colin Rowntree 
Studio: Wasteland Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Fun With Fucking Machines :
 • Mistress Irony  • Sicilia  • Angelique  • Vyxen Steel  • Leila  • Jada Sinn  • Ava  • Goddess Starla


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