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The Russo Twins: From Russia To Hollywood

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The Russo Twins: From Russia To Hollywood

The amazing, true story (okay, maybe not true) about the Russo twins, two incredibly hot little blonde nymphs from Russia who beg, borrow and steal their way to Hollywood, only to get caught up with playboys, producers and porn! Will Tati's stowaway plan work? Will Taylor break away from Ralph Long and his sleazy skin flicks? Will the sexy sisters actually succeed as dancers in a legit ballet? It's all up for grabs in this crazy tale of Moscow dreampies and American creampies, starring the one-of-a-kind Russo twins, in their two-of-a-kind story!

Duration: 97 minutes

Directed by: B. Skow 
Studio: Vivid Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in The Russo Twins: From Russia To Hollywood :
 • Asphyxia  • Dane Cross  • Toni Ribas  • Tati Russo  • John Strong  • Taylor Russo  • Lee Stone  • Alexa Nicole


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