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Memoirs of Bad Mommies 11

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Memoirs of Bad Mommies 11

Step-mother stands in the kitchen, leafing through her recipe book trying to pick out something for dinner. Now she has to go to the nail salon and fix what she is continuously damaging... her own fingernails! Jimmy walks in and notices her biting her nails again. "I know how you can get rid of that habit" Jimmy offers. "I saw a guy help a friend of mine quit smoking," Jimmy continues, but there is a glint in his eye that might lead you to not trust him. "Oh, I don't think those things work. Besides, I have much too strong of a mind," Mother responds. As Jimmy continues his convincing argument, Mother finally gives in and allows him to try. Jimmy takes her necklace.. and while slowly talking to her.. puts her into a deep trance. Jimmy does what he said he would do. He orders her not to bite her fingernails anymore, in fact, they would taste bitter and disgusting to her if she did. But just as he was about to awaken her, he had a thought. Jimmy has been watching his step-mother a little too close, and his urges and inappropriate thoughts have been getting the best of him during his masturbation time. He has been thinking about Mother's mature form and the taboo thoughts of how it would feel to make love to her. What if her could have the real thing, instead of just a fantasy while he is ejaculating..... Jimmy quietly says "also, when I say the word... You will have an uncontrollable desire to please me sexually!" Jodi comes home from yoga to find her stepson working hard on his school project. Jodi quickly makes a lame excuse to get close to him, saying she needs some training on the computer! As she sits on his lap, she grinds her tight ass into his crotch. She feels his cock grow and strain in his shorts. She commences to grind, jerk and tit fuck this young man, until he can't take it anymore! She fucks him with her round asscheeks, and explodes all over! She then lovingly cleans every last drop of semen from her stepson's cock.

Duration: 33 minutes
From the series: Memoirs of Bad Mommies
Directed by: Jay West 
Studio: Forbidden Fruits Films 

Watch these pornstars in Memoirs of Bad Mommies 11 :
 • Jimmy Legend  • Peter Delmar  • Jodi West


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