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Memoirs of Bad Mommies 12

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Memoirs of Bad Mommies 12

Jodi calls her husband to see if there is any way he has been racking up bills, but learns that her selfish step-son has been running up bills with no intention of paying them. Jodi exclaims in frustration. "You have serious entitlement issues young man. You think you can just help yourself to anything in this house" Jodi says in disgust. Just then the young man looses his senses and decides that he truly is entitled to anything in the house and starts to GROPE his stepmother! "Levi! You can not just have anything you want!" But the young but virile man tosses her up on the counter, roughly pulls off her panties, and starts to eat his stepmother's pussy. She tries to complain, but his roughness, coupled with the sensation between her thighs, strangely excites her to a point beyond control. The rest is a blur of sweat and pounding flesh as both of these two release there inner. In the end, he pumps wildly into his stepmother as she orgasms beyond control on his hard cock. He fires a spray of seed on her as he finishes his quest!Jodi has been trying everything to get the attention of her Step-son Peter. She bought a sexy new dress, brand new shoes, and even did her hair up to no avail. None of this has worked so far, so she turns to a trusted friend who has sent her a special fragrance to try. This new scent is guaranteed to drive any man who smells it wild with LUST with just one drop! She dabs some on and then decides that if one drop will attract a man, what's the worst thing several drops could do? He kisses her neck, worships her legs and feet, and soon can't keep his hands off the forbidden woman - his own step-mother! Instead of stopping him, Jodi teases him and goads him into going further and further with the taboo seduction. Jodi of course adores and encourages the elusive attention of the young man and uses Peter as she makes him fulfill all her wanton desires.

Duration: 31 minutes
From the series: Memoirs of Bad Mommies
Directed by: Jay West 
Studio: Forbidden Fruits Films 

Watch these pornstars in Memoirs of Bad Mommies 12 :
 • Jodi West  • Peter Delmar  • Levi Cash


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