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Pornochic 23: Claire Castel - French

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Pornochic 23: Claire Castel - French

Dressed only in delicate, silky lingerie and high heels, the stunning Claire Castel is blindfolded. Her perverse boyfriend has a thrilling surprise in store for her this evening: a sizzling hot brunette with fabulous breasts who opens he every orifice wider than ever before for penetration. As Claire cums helplessly, she decides to return the favor. The very next day, she arranges an awesome treat for her lover. In a luxury apartment, the sperm gushes in pulsating torrents

Duration: 78 minutes
From the series: Pornochic
Directed by: Herve Bodilis 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in Pornochic 23: Claire Castel - French :
 • Anissa Kate  • Leny Evil  • Phil Hollyday  • J.P.X.  • Math Keegan  • Claire Castel  • Liza Del Sierra  • Aleska Diamond  • Frank Major  • Michael Cheritto  • James Brossman  • Black Angelica


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