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My Wife Is A Swinger

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My Wife Is A Swinger

Swinging will change this married woman's life, and teach her how to enjoy pleasure with no limits.Encouraged by her best friend, this beautiful mature blonde decides to go for it. Swinging will help her refine her sexual prowess and discover ways to reach orgasm which she didn't even know existed. It's the start of a completely different life for her.Her first foray into swinging starts with a particularly wild lesbian encounter with Cara, the au pair. Under the astounded gaze of her husband, she makes the young woman cum several times before throwing herself into a supercharged threesome in the middle of the garden.The next day, particularly eager to sample every form of pleasure she can, she decides to offer herself completely to two virile men. Never could she have imagined that taking both these cocks at once would give her so much pleasure...Full of experience now, the apprentice swinger is rapidly growing in confidence. She discovers a new thirst for control and sexual domination. She only thinks of one thing now: going even further and pushing the limits. But where will this quest for pleasure end...?

Duration: 101 minutes

Directed by: Gazzman 
Studio: Marc Dorcel Marc Dorcel SBO 

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