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Family Game Day

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Family Game Day

Family game day was going great for Mother. It had been so long since she has gotten to spend quality time with her Stepson, just her and him, one on one. But Levi is looking at his watch, and counting the minutes as each hand of cards is played. He is thinking how long will this last? He has so many better things to do then play cards with his Stepmother on a Sunday afternoon."I win again!" Mother exclaims, as she lays down her hand of cards. Levi tosses his cards on the coffee table and lays back in resentment. "isn't this great! It has been so long since we had family game day. Your Father has been working on the weekends and it just seems like we don't get the time anymore" Mother says as she gathers up the cards for another hand. "Really!" her Stepson responds. "If we are going to play games all day, can we at least play a game I like to play?"Desperate to keep the day going with her stepson, she agrees. "And what game do you want to play?" Mother responds, listing off the games she has ready for the day."If we are going to plays a game, I would like to play strip poker" Levi says... Mother is taken aback. Why would he want to plays strip poker? At first she says no, but then when she realizes he is going to cut game day short, she reluctantly agrees. Anything to keep the family game days going. She is having so much fun with her Stepson so far.As the cards are dealt and Mother wins the first hand, everything seems fine. But it all becomes too real when the next hand is delt and Mother looses, and then has to remove a precious article of clothing. Mother convinces herself it's not so bad as she deals another hand in her bra and skirt.

Duration: 42 minutes

Directed by: Jay West 
Studio: Forbidden Fruits Films 

Watch these pornstars in Family Game Day :
 • Frankie Vegas  • Levi Cash  • Jodi West


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