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A Mother Teaches

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A Mother Teaches

Jodi is a great Mother, everyone knows that. So when her stepson Luke's girlfriend, Cory, breaks up with him to start dating another man, a much more experienced man well-known for being fast and loose with the women, Jodi's maternal instincts take over. Luke is distraught and almost inconsolable but slowly perks up when Jodi offers to help make a man out of him and teach him what girls like (in the bedroom). Dressed in a silk robe, Mother first needs to teach him how to kiss a girl. She tells him to make his lips soft and kiss slowly and tenderly before heating up and kissing deeper and more passionately with tongues darting."I've never kissed Cory like THAT before" says Luke with excitement! Jodi tells him it's ok and reassures the young man by telling him "girls like it when you kiss them like this". The lessons continue and intensify as Mother shows him how a good girl would give a blowjob, how wet it makes her down there, and how to have intercourse in several positions.Jodi's final motherly lesson, after she has the young man fuck her to her satisfaction, is where to shoot his load on her in order to not get a girl pregnant. This hands on learning should be just the experience he needs to win back the elusive Cory.

Duration: 36 minutes

Directed by: Jay West 
Studio: Forbidden Fruits Films 

Watch these pornstars in A Mother Teaches :
 • Frankie Vegas  • Jodi West  • Cory Chase (m)


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