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Bound In Public: Tristan Jaxx, Leon Knight And Jimmy Fanz

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Bound In Public: Tristan Jaxx, Leon Knight And Jimmy Fanz

This porn shop is a local cruising spot for the guys in the area and Leon Knight means to take them for all their worth by charging twenty bucks just to touch his dick. A couple customers get pissed and decide to take what he won't give them. Leon gets taken down in the middle of the store, stripped naked, and tied up. They slap his cock and balls and spread his hole for the cameras of all the onlookers. As cars and pedestrians go by he gets three hard cocks shoved in his mouth and fucked on the register. He then receives his first ever flogging and submits to taking the loads of the men all over his body. After the shop owner sucks the cum out of him he's taken back to the glory hole for some foot worship and one final fuck from a horny stranger.

Duration: 66 minutes
From the series: Bound In Public

Studio: KinkMen 

Watch these pornstars in Bound In Public: Tristan Jaxx, Leon Knight And Jimmy Fanz :
 • Jimmy Fanz  • Tristan Jaxx  • Leon Knight


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