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Naked Kombat: Jack Hammer Vs Brenn Wyson: The Rematch

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Naked Kombat: Jack Hammer Vs Brenn Wyson: The Rematch

Badass Brenn Wyson tests his four-time undefeated record in this long awaited rematch with NK powerhouse Jack Hammer. Last time around Brenn arrived with stitches in his eyebrow, from a previous fight, preventing Jack from controlling his head. Brenn completely dominated the match and celebrated by pounding Jack's ass hard. This time there are no excuses and both fighters are ready to go all out for the win. Jack is going to use what he learned from his prior match with Brenn, as well his kickboxing and jiu jitsu experience, to kick Brenn's ass. Brenn, with a boxing and MMA background, has his own plans to take control of Jack, take him down hard, and make him his bitch again.

Duration: 47 minutes
From the series: Naked Kombat

Studio: KinkMen 

Watch these pornstars in Naked Kombat: Jack Hammer Vs Brenn Wyson: The Rematch :
 • Jack Hammer  • Brenn Wyson


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