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Mademoiselle De Paris - French

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Mademoiselle De Paris - French

Erotic Paris, Paris with it's secret affairs and most of all: it's Parisiennes. A frivolous city, like the airy dresses floating over the wet pavement, exposing high heels, stockings and refined lingerie..."Mademoiselle de Paris" reunites the most stunning actresses of the moment for an ultra-Dorcel movie. Invite yourself into the lives of five young women who are taken under their skirts in a Parisian forest or by an unknown in the restrooms of a nightclub. They spread their legs on the backseat of a car, offer their girlfriends to their boyfriends, in short; they do everything a real Parisienne does. The sex is great as long as there's a lot of it and as long as it gets more perverse all the time. "Mademoiselle de Paris" is not the brain of one single man, but of 900 "co-producers" who worked with Marc Dorcel on the first adult movie to be produced by internet users. From the casting to the choice of scenes, the movie is the fruit of a collective perverse imagination. It had an extraordinary budget, for an extremely aesthetic and ultra-exciting production.

Duration: 106 minutes

Directed by: Herve Bodilis 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in Mademoiselle De Paris - French :
 • Eric Park  • Suzie Carina  • J.P.X.  • James Brossman  • Claire Castel  • Jade Laroche  • Anna Polina  • Ian Scott  • Black Angelica  • Jessica Fiorentino  • Nina Roberts


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