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8 Masseuses: French

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8 Masseuses: French

We found the solution to help you forget about your stressful life. There is a unique place in the world dedicated to relaxation and wellbeing. You will be welcomed by 8 awesome women called "Spagirls". They are the most experienced masseuses in town. They know how to satisfy every desire, to fulfill any wish! With their warm mouths, their soft hands and their large breasts, they know how to revitalize your body and mind. Total massage, the "Spagirls" open wide their thighs to welcome you, spread their ass to be fulfilled and will drink even the last drop of the overwhelming evidence of your pleasure. Don't wait any longer, hand over your body to those 8 delicious ladies.

Duration: 101 minutes

Directed by: Paul Thomas 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in 8 Masseuses: French :
 • Rocco Reed  • Angel Dark  • Denis Marti  • Danny Boy  • Brynn Tyler  • Aiden Starr  • Carlo Carrera  • Justin Magnum  • Riley Evans  • Billy Glide  • Alexis Capri  • McKenzie Lee  • Juelz Ventura  • Nick Manning  • Tiffany Tyler


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