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Stagiaires Debutantes

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Stagiaires Debutantes

Smart little debutante trainees don't know what they're in for. In the world of business, their skills as debutantes take on a different context. Veteran employees (male and female) take advantage of these pampered princesses by luring them into out-of-the-way places such as the copier room or file room for their own interview examination. As such, these intern debutantes undergo a battery of tests to see if they are fit for a rigorous office environment where hardcore skills such as blowing, sucking and fucking are mandatory.

Duration: 96 minutes

Directed by: Fabien Lafait 
Studio: JTC Video 

Watch these pornstars in Stagiaires Debutantes :
 • Loa Scorp  • Priska Farel  • Nina Roberts  • Crystal  • Carla Cox


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