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Je Baise Mais Je Ne Couche Pas

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Je Baise Mais Je Ne Couche Pas

JTC Video is proud to present another outstanding French fuck film! Laura had a bit too much to drink last night and shes having trouble remembering what happened. Laura begins to piece things together and she slowly starts to remember her wild night! Laura remembers getting a great fuck by Frank and she remembers her roommate taking on two random studs in their living room. The two roommates go to check in on their third roommate and see she is having her own fun!

Duration: 105 minutes

Directed by: Olivier Lesein 
Studio: JTC Video 

Watch these pornstars in Je Baise Mais Je Ne Couche Pas :
 • Juliana Lust  • Anna Siline  • Triple X  • Emy Russo


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