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My First Time With Jana

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My First Time With Jana

The True Story of how Melissa chose Jana to be her 1st lesbian loverMelisa Jacobs meets Jana at a photoshoot, and quickly confides she thinks the Czech superstar is super HOT! Missy also confesses an interest in trying her first lesbian scene and asks Jana for some tips. Since they are early, things become very interesting, as they start to tenderly kiss and touch each others ripe bodies. But they are interrupted and spend the rest of the shoot teasing and flirting with each other. However, the next day, Melissa treats Jana to some drinks, and when they return home a bit tipsy, Missy decides to get Jana in her bed and fulfill her newfound lust. Their hunger for each other soon leads to slippery satisfaction, and they end up in the Jacuzzi and continue to explore their desires. The intimacy and passion are all sincere and Melissas dreams of making Jana her 1st lover was realized.

Duration: 102 minutes
From the series: Bob's Girlfriends Forever
Directed by: Bob Alexander 
Studio: Bob's Videos 

Watch these pornstars in My First Time With Jana :
 • Jana Cova  • Melissa Jacobs


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