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Gay 4 Pay Guido 2: Arousal Therapy 5: Meat Massages

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Gay 4 Pay Guido 2: Arousal Therapy 5: Meat Massages

Guido started massaging John, giving his cock a nice long stroking motion with both hands. But, since Guido isn't gay, he wouldn't suck cock. So I got to pull my cameraman authority and step in. I sucked John's delicious brown meat until his delicious cum plumped up in my mouth and throat. I then stepped back to let the boys at it again.

Duration: 41 minutes
From the series: Arousal Therapy
Directed by: Zack Christopher 
Studio: Zack Christopher Production 

Watch these pornstars in Gay 4 Pay Guido 2: Arousal Therapy 5: Meat Massages :
 • John (AMVC)  • Jerry Gemini (Zack Christopher)


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