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The 2 Brothers Jakovalott

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The 2 Brothers Jakovalott

Meet the 2 Brothers Jakovalott: Christopher and Zach. I got a call one night from two brothers who wanted to swing by and make a j.o. tape. I was thrilled! So, they came by and were a big surprise. One is tall, the other short. One was really beefy/stocky, the other not. One had dark brown hair, the other lighter. They were as different as Laurel and Hardy, Abbott and Costello. Chris is 24 years old, 6-1 inches tall and about 180lbs. His adopted bro Zach is also 24 years old, 5-7 inches tall and a beefy 180lbs. The two chatter away like mad hens at times, breaking out with jokes and stories of their lives. They are both str8, both have gf's elsewhere. They moved here from Idaho and were needing some extra cash, as well as a change of pace. They were bored so, what else do straight boys do when they are bored? They jack off on video for a gay guy! Duh!

Duration: 96 minutes
From the series: The 3 Brothers Jakovalott
Directed by: Zack Christopher 
Studio: Zack Christopher Production 

Watch these pornstars in The 2 Brothers Jakovalott :
 • Christopher Jakovalott  • Zach Jakovalott


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