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Romeo Stiletto And Jamocha

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Romeo Stiletto And Jamocha

These young hot lovers have beautiful lesbian sex. Just as you'd expect, they finger fuck, eagerly lick each other's cunts, kiss and suck and fuck like they cannot get enough. Being real sex, they focus on pleasing each other and while we may not see the detail of every action, we get the full experience of their sex. The camera does not blink. It captures every moment, stopping only to move to a different location. First, starting in the shower the steam is clearly not only from the hot water. Moving into the bedroom, they take turns devouring each other's bodies. Finally, moving into the kitchen they snack on ice cream smeared all over each other's bodies. Sticky and spent, after the camera crew leaves the cycle begins again.

Duration: 39 minutes

Studio: BLR Media Good Dyke Porn 

Watch these pornstars in Romeo Stiletto And Jamocha :
 • Romeo Stiletto  • Jamocha


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