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Barefoot Confidential 64

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Barefoot Confidential 64

Don't let a woman mess with ya. Size matters to them regardless of what they say. From penis to purse strings, it's just that way with them. Sure it ain't fair, but that's what it is. A guy, on the other hand, sizes up his dames with way more clarity. Particularly their feet. Smooth, shapely, toned, textured, good smell, good taste. He doesn't have to know a foot's employment status or whether it's long or large enough to tickle his man sac. Chances are, he's already in love and is ready to sign a prenuptial agreement. Men are so easy.

Duration: 202 minutes
From the series: Barefoot Confidential

Studio: Kick Ass Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Barefoot Confidential 64 :
 • Jessica Right  • Stephanie Cane  • Mikey Butders  • Isis Taylor  • Ami Emerson  • Evan Stone  • Mia Lina  • Lee Stone  • Emy Reyes


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