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Fantasy Footjobs

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Fantasy Footjobs

Loads of men are into pretty feet. And some guys have been known to marry women knowing that the sight of their lively insteps are better than any blue pill on the face of the Earth. We're not saying that you should skulk around shoes stores looking for a life's mate, but if a movie like this can get you off, and thus, help you avoid making a stupid commitment like signing over half your assets, this it will have served its purpose. That all being said, we're just wondering if Rebeca Linares is wearing the engagement ring we mailed her.

Duration: 85 minutes
From the series: Fantasy Footjobs

Studio: Kick Ass Pictures 

Watch these pornstars in Fantasy Footjobs :
 • Payton Leigh  • Sindee Jennings  • Darryl Hanah  • Jordan Kingsley  • Monica Morales  • Jessica Andrada  • Sophie Dee  • Sierra Snow  • Rebecca Linares  • Amile Waters


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