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Mr. Parvo's Neighborhood

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Mr. Parvo's Neighborhood

B&D Pleasures is taking you back in time to our earliest video library, where bondage legends were just learning their kinky craft, these are the videos that built the foundation of fetish entertainment. Sadie is a nosey neighbor and sneaks a peek into Lord Parvo's window to watch the deviant acts he does with Kitty, but she's going to get a closer look of the action as she is caught and dragged into the house. She is stripped and tied to a chair and gagged as Kitty is told to lick her pussy and place clothes pins on her tits. Soon Sadie is bound in the shower as Parvo flogs her tits and then shaves her crotch roughly. Then both girls are tied to a bed so Parvo can drip hot wax all over their bodies once he's bored with that they go to some shock therapy and more flogging until Parvo pops his load.

Duration: 56 minutes

Studio: Bon Vue Enterprises B&D Pleasures 

Watch these pornstars in Mr. Parvo's Neighborhood :
 • Lord Parvo  • Sadie Sweetheart  • Kitty Victum  • Tasha Welch  • Cherish  • Louise Love


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