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California Dreamin'

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California Dreamin'

Three sunbathing cuties lay out for a nap on the beach, they start dreaming about their fantasies with each other. Fantasies about being bound to the rocks and beaten by the Mistress as the waves beat the rocks. The naked skin of the girls turns a bright red and it's not from the sun. Hikari flogs, crops, paddles, spanks, and fiercely slaps them around as each delight in the dream they are having. There is no lifeguard on duty today but I don't think any of the girls want to be saved from the Mistress's fierce beatings as they are turned on by each slap and crack of the flogger. They wake from their wet dream but they won't forget their fantasy any time soon.

Duration: 57 minutes

Directed by: Ronnie Rock 
Studio: B&D Pleasures 

Watch these pornstars in California Dreamin' :
 • Hikari Phoenix  • Riley Hush  • Angela Drown


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