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The Ultimate

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The Ultimate

B&D Pleasures is taking you back in time to our earliest video library, where bondage legends were just learning their kinky craft, these are the videos that built the foundation of fetish entertainment. The Professors of Dark Hall would like to try something new so they decide to switch from Dominate to Submissive. First Miss Sharon Mitchell gives herself to Rick Savage to do as he pleases, she lets him flog her, put clamps on her nipples and places a chastity belt on her. Later Sharon switches into Dom mode as she teaches Biff Malibu the finer points of being a submissive. Rick Savage submits to Sharon as he lets her bind and flog him.

Duration: 57 minutes

Studio: B&D Pleasures 

Watch these pornstars in The Ultimate :
 • Biff Malibu  • Sharon Mitchell  • Rick Savage


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