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Snowed In

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Snowed In

Fantasies run wild as 3 people are Snowed In, the horny thoughts of the bored trio because reality to you. Marriah finds the naughty Ayla Lior touching herself without getting permission so she must be punished. She is spanked, paddled, flogged and cropped; her crotch is beaten and raked by sharp metal claws. The next fantast Marriah submits to Schno as she is flogged and caned, then tied down to a table to be flogged some more. Lastly Ayla is double teamed and turned into a little ponygirl, with a bit gag she is made to trot around the living room, soon to be cropped and flogged again. It might be cold outside the cabin, but it was hot inside.

Duration: 69 minutes

Studio: B&D Pleasures 

Watch these pornstars in Snowed In :
 • Ayla Lior  • Marriah  • Schno


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