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Go through the keyhole into the homes of Britain's top adult movie babes and discover what they get up to in private...which is pretty much the same as what they do on screen, actually! Busty blonde Michelle B. says: "A guy has to have a hard cock every time he sees me!" One guy rises to the occasion, so she sucks him in the kitchen and shags him in the lounge until he decorates her with a spunk shower! Frankie is one hot porno harlot, and she loves putting on a show for her horny boyfriend. Once she teases his cock to rock stiffness she bends over to take a hard and fast fucking that soon drains that monster dong of all its milky protein! Slim and sexy brunette Mai invites you to check out her cozy pad. Then she puts on a horny sex show, enjoying the vibrations of her washing machine. When can we move in? If you want to shag Angel Long, come on over to her penthouse apartment and ask her. While you're here, watch her getting it up the asshole from a hard-hung tattooed stud! Finally we go through the keyhole with a sexy, slim, dark-haired French babe. She has a cute accent and lovely pointed tits, which stick out even further when she's aroused!

Duration: 99 minutes

Directed by: Kaizen 
Studio: Television X 

Watch these pornstars in Babespotting :
 • Mai Bailey  • Yasmin  • Michelle B.  • Frankie Babe  • Danny Boy  • Jay Snake  • Angel Long  • Lucy Zara


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