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Tabloid Tales Being Whoredon

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Tabloid Tales Being Whoredon

Prepare to be amused, entertained, and aroused by this deliciously dirty spoof starring the utterly stunning Kerry Louise as up and cumming celebrity slut Whoredon - who of course we must specify bears no intentional relation to any real person, living or dead! The busty stunner starts her rise to the top of the celebrity tree as aspiring glamour model Cutie Nice, and visits a randy photographer to see what develops. She wants maximum exposure and the lucky flasher gets to fiddle with her tight aperture! Changing her name to Whoredon, our heroine then makes a hardcore sex tape with boy band idol Shane Showers. When it ends up on the internet, Whoredon's celeb career is on the up, and she sets her sights on wannabe pop star Gav Grates. We're sure you will agree that their hotel room humping session definitely has The X Factor! Sparks fly when Whoredon runs into posh arch-rival Vicky Bangham at a swanky night club, but the two celeb sluts settle their differences with some serious lezzer action in the ladies! The grand finale features Whoredon's celebrity wedding to Greek pop star Skeeter Andrew, which goes off with a real bang - as bridesmaids Sarah Hardon, Micha Hot-One and Kelly Kaboner enjoy a full on orgy with her new husband. But will the marriage last? Yes, we know it's insania!

Duration: 115 minutes

Studio: Television X 

Watch these pornstars in Tabloid Tales Being Whoredon :
 • Cate Harrington  • Paige Ashley  • Stefan Hard  • Kerry Louise  • Demetri  • Tony James  • Jayce Xavier  • Elle Brook  • Michelle Moist


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