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Couples Bang The Babysitter

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Couples Bang The Babysitter

When Kasey told Barbi that her boy toy couldn't make her cum, she felt sorry for her and decided to tag-team that tight lil' pussy with her big cocked hubby Billy! Mario and Heidi were disappointed that they couldn't make it to the swing club, so they decided to fuck their slutty sitter Ruby 'til the cows come home instead. Tessa ran up a huge phone bill at Diana and Joe's house, so she decided to pay them back with her hot lil' snatch and perky titties! Herschel and Lisa thought that Ivy was a wholesome girl that they could trust with their baby, but when they caught this porno watchin' slut smoking a cigarette they gave her pussy the beating it deserved!

Duration: 149 minutes
From the series: Couples Bang The Babysitter
Directed by: Chucky Sleaze 
Studio: Lethal Hardcore 

Watch these pornstars in Couples Bang The Babysitter :
 • Ivy Winters  • Diana Prince  • Joe Blow  • Phil Yorgash  • Barbi Sinclair  • Tessa Taylor  • Heidi Hanson  • Kasey Chase  • Herschel Savage  • Ruby Rayes  • Billy Glide  • Lisa DeMarco


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