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Stepdaddy's Butthole Buffet

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Stepdaddy's Butthole Buffet

We broke Gia Storm in on her first porn scene and just to make sure she was nasty enough for the biz we asked her to lick Talon's butthole!! When Kurt found his stepdaughter Jaye's nude photos on her phone, he promised not to tell her mom after she agreed to bury her tongue in his butt! Lanie's step dad agreed to co-sign on a new car for her, after she agreed to toss his salad and let him go to town on them titties! Trillium got her step dad to agree to pay for her boob job in exchange for a rim job!

Duration: 158 minutes

Directed by: Chucky Sleaze Talon 
Studio: Lethal Hardcore 

Watch these pornstars in Stepdaddy's Butthole Buffet :
 • Trillium (f)  • Lanie Morgan  • Jaye Summers  • Talon  • Mike Hunt  • Gia Storm


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