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Arousal Therapy 2: Bi-Curious Manly Muscled Drummer Daddy

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Arousal Therapy 2: Bi-Curious Manly Muscled Drummer Daddy

Wanna massage a buff and hairy straight guy? Wanna see how far you can get him to go? Then you'll love the second episode in my Arousal Therapy sessions! My muscular Drummer Daddy from ZCP78 and ZCP80 needed some cash (and in this hard economic time, who doesn't?) and gave me a call when I was just finishing his second feature. He really needed some extra cash and wanted to know what he could do to earn a little more than his usual payment. I explained to him, quite clearly, that I shot male solos and gay sex only which he quickly pointed out to me he was cool with, but he was straight only!

Duration: 78 minutes
From the series: Arousal Therapy
Directed by: Zack Christopher 
Studio: Zack Christopher Production 

Watch these pornstars in Arousal Therapy 2: Bi-Curious Manly Muscled Drummer Daddy :
 • Ken (AMVC)  • Mark (AMVC)


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