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Buddy Heat

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Buddy Heat

Buddies Newin and Bunyung are chased by a bull and relive the experience with some enthusiastic rutting of their own. And studly Newin makes sure he gets his way, Bunyung squeeling at the turgid attention. Super cutie Polasak singing is scaring the neighbors so his big-dicked pal, Chaliaw, drags him off the pier and into the sack. Both these guys take turns but smoothie Polasak has all he can handle. Pirom and Chaturon are discussing what the perfect dick would look like and decide to make a wish. Jongrak explodes on the scene and now the two much make him welcome. Again, everybody takes a shot in this and Pirom gets the sheet-clawing expansive treatment form Jongrak. Check out the BUDDY HEAT yourself.

Duration: 85 minutes

Studio: Island Caprice Studios 

Watch these pornstars in Buddy Heat :
 • Chaturon  • Chaliaw  • Pirom  • Jongrak  • Polasak  • Newin  • Bunyung


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