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Bordello Deluxe 2: French

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Bordello Deluxe 2: French

The owner of a brothel in a big European capital opens the doors to her house and introduces us to her "pensioners". These girls are only interested in one thing, giving pleasures to the visitors. You are invited to come visit these young hot women as they are dressed in sexy underwear and stiletto heels. Once you meet the sexy hostesses such as Tarra White, Luciana, Claudia Rossi, and Mia Vendome, you will want to know the address of the brothel. One where all fantasies become a reality...

Duration: 106 minutes
From the series: Bordello Deluxe
Directed by: Marc Dorcel 
Studio: Marc Dorcel 

Watch these pornstars in Bordello Deluxe 2: French :
 • Tarra White  • Neeo  • Claudia Rossi  • Jorg Jopke  • Nataly  • Mia Vendome  • George Uhl  • Tony Carrera  • Luciana  • Renata Black


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