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Booty Juice Whores

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Booty Juice Whores

The best thug porn in the world! If you got the booty and you got the juice, why not put em to work for you? Or if you got the cash, why not buy something that you really want, something to scratch that itch you just cant scratch yourself? In BOOTY JUICE WHORES, director Jalin Fuentes follows the adventures of the enterprising young studs who lay their big dicks on the line and the johns willing to pay for them themthats nine fine men and five steamy encounters. Whatever itch you got, if you love thugs, the latest fuck flick from Pitbull Productions, Inc. will scratch it for you.

Duration: 118 minutes

Directed by: Jalin Fuentes 
Studio: Pitbull Productions 

Watch these pornstars in Booty Juice Whores :
 • Black Ice  • Altirique  • Rod Williams  • Sweet Poison  • Sir Creme  • Sho-Nuff  • Ocean (m)  • Zan Vega James  • Dyllan


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