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Cruising Budapest 5: The Magiatti Twins

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Cruising Budapest 5: The Magiatti Twins

Watch as real-life twins Fabrizio and Fernando Mangiatti fuck and suck their way through Budapest...together! Michael Lucas fucks them both with a double-headed dildo, along with much much more in the fifth edition of our popular series!

Duration: 118 minutes
From the series: Cruising Budapest
Directed by: Michael Lucas 
Studio: Lucas Entertainment 

Watch these pornstars in Cruising Budapest 5: The Magiatti Twins :
 • Fernando Mangiatti  • Fabrizio Mangiatti  • Julian Vincenzo  • Flavio Valentino  • Enrico Belagio  • Jack Laurel  • Michael Lucas  • Peter Shadow  • Rick Bauer  • Steve Hunt


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