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Yasmine Nurses In Training

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Yasmine Nurses In Training

To get her diploma certificate, Yasmine has to make pratical work in an hospital. She quickly shows her devotion for her patient lavishing a fellatio on him. Soon, she is met up by a colleague: she gives herself to the two males for an intense double penetration. During a party, she confirms her volition of being a nurse giving herself to two of her colleagues: a man and a woman. All the hospital seems to be taken by a sexual frenzy. A nurse wakes up a colleague at night, an other impales herself front and back on a patients penis. And when the nurses do not find a man, they use huge dildos to reach orgasms. With nurses like Yasmine, Helena Sweet or Valentina Blue, we almost would like to be hospitalized in their section.

Duration: 89 minutes

Directed by: Marc Dorcel 
Studio: Marc Dorcel Marc Dorcel SBO 

Watch these pornstars in Yasmine Nurses In Training :
 • Jenny Baby  • Yasmine (II)  • Eve Angel  • Valentina Blue  • Alex Forte  • Bambi  • Helena G.  • Evan Rochelle  • Mr. Clark


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