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The Pink Ladies

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The Pink Ladies

This wild romp is about the sexcapades of four suburban housewives. Kay, the leader of the group, is a classic over-achiever who always complains about the fuck-up, Leslie, who shuffles through life with very few positive traits. Kay winds up kicking Leslie out of the group. Leslie, looking for revenge, seduces all the husbands into a grand orgy and cleverly maneuvers the wives to catch their husbands erotically entwined with her.

Duration: 73 minutes

Directed by: Robert Michaels 
Studio: Collector Classix Inc. 

Watch these pornstars in The Pink Ladies :
 • Ron Hudd  • Samantha Fox  • Marlene Willoughby  • Michael Gaunt  • Jack Stuart  • Kandi Barbour  • Rick Iverson  • Brenda Lockwood  • Jesse Adams  • Ron Jeremy  • Christine DeShaffer  • Michael Bruce  • Robyn Byrd  • Alan Adrian  • Vanessa Del Rio  • R. Bolla


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